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Do you think gay people should be able to be married?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's so interesting isn't it, how faggot's always like to call men (who are not faggot's) faggot's. And the fact is...they ALWAYS do that, no matter which faggot they are, they always say if it's supposed to be degrading or something to someone, but yet not degrading to themselves.....LOL!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awwww poor kelly.......she's so confused and mad that she gets her fwieeends to come in here and start ganging up on me, and make fun of me. "No morning cartoons for u kelly....or supper!"

And dont bother trying to deny it either.
ty kelly.

Kissy kissy
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Alex Robertson
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since Marky's posts I have spoken with him(on the chat).I have assured him that its not a big gang-up against him.Nor is EVERYONE jumping to Kelly's defence(Its mainly me that has done that,as I have with JoAnn too).
He is a witty poster,but has views which in this PC world may seem outmoded.....look beyond the homophobicism(I made that word up),and you'll find a preacher of the Lord......but he is still a Sparks' fan and as such deserves a fair hearing(all this said inspite of the fact he curses like a spawn of Satan and keeps calling me a FAG......if I've got to be a fag I'd rather be a Benson and Hedges rather than a Lambert and Butler!).We won't change his views nor will he ours so lets start afresh and get on with the real business!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 1:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alex, still lovin' the Hood. Okay, is Chris in the house? Mark, I have no interest in dishing out any more shit. I am a Christian and as such I will take the higher road. We will agree to disagree. I believe that acceptance and tolerance are the ways of God, as is allowing Him to judge rather than us (faulty as we are). You may disagree, and that is okay, so I hand you the proverbial olive branch and lets end this shiznit now. So, did you like the new album?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry to think MARK that you think KELLY,S friends are ganging up on you, but I write this not knowing or ever met her ( hello KELLY ) it seem you are hell bent (no pun intended) on promoting an unhealthy christian attitude which leave me very concerned about your state of mind, I AM GOING TO WRITE NO MORE ABOUT THIS POSTING AS I AGREE WITH ALEX....FAR TOO MUCH HAS BEEN SPITEFULLY SAID.....this is a sparks site!!!!!!!! ABOUT SPARKS!, I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MAY NOT WANT TO SEE HOMOSEXUAL ITEMS HERE, LIKE WISE I DONT WANT TO HAVE RELIGION THRUST DOWN MY THROAT....I SUPPOSE THERE IS A TIME AND PLACE FOR EVERYTHING AND IT AINT HERE...SO LETS GET BACK ON THE RIGHT TRACK......THIS IS ABOUT SPARKS ...SO AGRRE TO DIFFER AND MOVE ON!.....IN THE WORDS OF RON MAEL...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well.......I was only trying to help. But ok, you don't want to heed to anything I've said about Christ....or what he's said himself (there's nothing new about that now is there?? So, fine, have it your'll find out the hard way instead.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, I definitely like Lil' Beethoven! And yet I've only heard it ONCE.....and I can tell it's going to grow on me a lot more. I don't even have it yet! (I'm a little broke). I can still hear it on I want to get it badly, it'll just have to wait a bit longer, that's all.

And BY the way, people.......Interior Design IS a good album.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MARK II wrote:
"Thou shalt not lie with man-kind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself there-with: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgements, and shall not commit ANY of these abominations; NEITHER any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you. For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit THEM shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that YE commit not ANY ONE of these abominable customs, which were commited before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I AM the Lord your God."

Oh, and one more eensy weensy little tidbit for some of u preschoolers out the very last 4 paragraphs of Gods book for's easy to find, it's at the END of the Bible...thats right, I said BIBLE....and it's so easy to understand that even a homosexual can understand it----------->>> "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and FROM the things which are written in this book."

P.S.- A question just came to mind, and it's such a difficult question, that I must be a F'g GENIOUS to even ask LOVE your parents and your brothers and sisters TOO don't you, you go fu%^$*g them up the a$$ ALSO!?????????????????????

And u know whut......I don't think this is the place to post a poll like this.........because after all, if I see a poll with a question, and I feel like answering it, I'm going to answer it.........bummer huh?

Mark :D

Well, Mark II, you wrote this a long time ago, and I’ve only just seen it. Perhaps you’ve seen the light in the meantime, and joined the rest of us in the twenty-first century. If so, please ignore this. I can’t let it lie, though, just in case. It would be irresponsible of me to do that, especially given the way things are at the moment. Oh, well. Where to begin?
It’s rather difficult for those of us living in relatively civilised climes, to understand that there are still people out there who actually place a high value on wilful ignorance (although they usually refer to this as “faith”); as far as I’m aware, most of them live in the Middle East or the bible belt of America, where parents are being arrested on a daily basis for beating their children to death, as per the admonitions of the Old Testament (praiiiise Jeeee-susss!!) When they’re not murdering their children they’re being conned out of their money by one evangelical shyster after another. It seems, though, that the utter malevolence of religious fundamentalism is still to be found in other areas of the world, such as Vancouver. How disappointing. Just when you think the human race is starting to see sense, someone like you comes along, and it all seems like an uphill struggle, once again.
The utter insanity that results from the indoctrination of the young manifests itself as belief in notions that, for example, the Earth is little more than six thousand years old, that people and dinosaurs lived together, and that a global flood caused the single land mass which existed then to rush apart within the space of a few days, leaving the continents as we find them today. Obviously this is all gloriously laughable, but less chuckle-worthy are the other consequences of the kind of bile that religious fundamentalists spew over anyone in range: Women must be subservient to, and are the property of, men; homosexuals are soulless monsters; babies are born damned to burn for all time in hell unless they are fortunate enough to be persuaded that the sort of fantasies you seem to believe in are actually true; knowledge is dangerous and science is the work of the devil; sex is just downright disgusting unless it’s between a man and a woman in a state of “holy matrimony” and the missionary position is used (even then, you will be advised to turn the lights out to avoid too much exposure to someone else’s naughty bits and, if possible, you should keep your long johns on, and one foot on the floor).
And it’s all because of an ancient and very badly-written book, which someone obviously rammed down your throat when you were too young to know what was real and what was just, well, utter garbage: An endless and arbitrary series of condemnations of humanity, proclaimed in the name of love, by men who wouldn’t know love if it walked up to them wearing a name badge.
There is a mountain range of evidence out there which leaves no room for doubt as to the pedigree and reliability of the scripture which you seem to have so much time for: that tome you call “The Bible”, with its hopeless contradictions and obvious artifice, its ludicrous errors, its shameless record of reverse engineering... Once again, it’s difficult to know where to start when it comes to the dodgy evolution of this “holy” book (Did you just throw a hissy fit at the mention of the word “evolution”?). We know, for example, that the nativity didn’t happen – someone had to invent the whole story decades after the actual events, in order to make their particular messiah (and there were dozens of them at the time, all competing for the biggest following)fulfil certain prophesised conditions as laid down in the Jewish Torah. The same requirement is thought to be the explanation for the totally contradictory accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection between the gospels. We know (even the Archbishop of Canterbury admits it) that there never was a first human being, so Adam’s out of the picture. That, of course, means that there was no “original sin” and consequently no need for Christ to come and save us all from this imaginary transgression. I’ll bet he was annoyed when he found out. All that revolting suffering as a result of an attempt to heal our diseased, corrupted selves, only to discover that no one was ill in the first place!
No wonder he didn’t come back.
(By the way, Jesus is reported in some of the more peculiar passages of the big book, as having ascended to Heaven by taking off like a bearded rocket and disappearing into the clouds. Is it even vaguely possible that God didn’t realise that there was nothing beyond the clouds except a thinning atmosphere and outer space? Not really. Is it more probable that some very ignorant men, living at that time, didn’t realise that there was nothing up there except a thinning atmosphere and outer space? Yep. That, among countless similar examples, should give you a clue as to who actually wrote this stuff.)
We also know that “The Bible” is an anthology of bits and pieces, most of which were written well over a century after the events it purports to describe, which were first passed on by word of mouth (we know how reliable that’s going to be, then) in Aramaic, by people who had no direct connection to the times and places they were describing, before being translated into Greek, then censored, edited, pruned and rewritten by some very dodgy men who had their own agendas and a hefty status quo of power and wealth to maintain.
But wait...Even if it is all a load of cobblers, surely the bible can at least teach us how to live ethical and morally salient lives? Well...over a hundred thousand innocent, elderly women who were burned alive by the inquisition might disagree (apparently, God is also unaware that there’s no such thing as witches), as might a similar number of young children who have been systematically tortured and raped by the priestly representatives of that homicidal-maniac-in-the-sky (“No child’s behind left” is apparently the motto of the Catholic church, and the disgraceful behaviour of the most recent Mr Infallible leaves no doubt in any sane mind that the term “religious authority” is utterly synonymous with “corruption”). You may be aware that, among the endless God-given prohibitions in books such as Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers, it is indeed spelled out that homosexual practice is a sin. It’s there for all to see, alongside the prohibitions that it is a sin to eat shellfish, or wear a garment made of more than one fabric. If, therefore, Mark II, you have ever eaten a prawn cocktail, or worn socks that are fifty-percent cotton and fifty-percent nylon, then I’ll see you in Hell.
Anyway, on with the compassionate deeds of the faithful: In the middle east we have men throwing acid into the faces of young girls who have expressed a desire to pursue further education, or who protest at the idea of being hurled by their fathers into the bed of some man who’s three times their age; or who are made to take the responsibility and the blame after being raped; and parents are hacking off the genitalia of their daughters so they won’t be tempted to lead men astray, thereby endangering their superior souls.
In the USA we see hugely powerful Christian organisations doing everything they can to prevent the teaching in schools of what we know beyond doubt to be true, in favour of stultifying, infantile drivel.
By the way, big chunks of the Hebrew bible were blatantly lifted from much earlier religions. You will find flood stories almost identical to the Noah myth that would eventually turn up in the Hebrew bible, in the much-earlier Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian myths – and throughout millennia before the Bible was even a twinkle in Jehovah’s eye there were virgin births galore. In fact, humans have invented over a thousand religions, and a distinct lack of originality becomes obvious, long before your one was dreamed up.
I know...let’s play “guess who”!
Hey, guess who this is:
He lived about two thousand years ago. His birth, which was announced by an angel before conception had taken place, was accompanied by heavenly manifestations. As a child, he shocked various sages and priests with his precocious grasp of all things divine. When he grew up he became an itinerant, apocalyptic prophet. He gathered disciples and preached against the establishment. He claimed that he was half-human and half-divine. He demonstrated miraculous powers, healed the sick, cast out devils and raised the dead, which earned him quite a bit of fame. Finally he was arrested by the Roman authorities, charged with sedition, imprisoned and threatened with execution.
Give up?
Well, the answer is Apollonius of Tyana.
I wonder if he bumped into Jesus along the way. They certainly would have had a lot to talk about. And they wouldn’t have been alone. Messiahs were popping up between every other paving stone at the time, and their stories are arrestingly similar.

I see that time is marching on. Frankly, I’m not really bothered if you insist on clinging to the delusions which have been foisted upon you. What can’t go unchallenged though, is your mindless antipathy to the non-delusional members of the human race. The inhumanity that permeates the source of your beliefs manifests clearly in your attitudes, and it’s actually rather a shame that you’re never going to know how wrong you actually are. In the meantime, I imagine you’ll just carry on hating, and parading your bigotry under the banner of moral self-righteousness.
Oh, and there’s so much more to say. Just as well I’ve got to go out.
David Alston.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

why are you talking about this crap, this is not a gay site what you people get up to keep to yourself
talk about sparks and music, not this crap
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Ron = Geniuus

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

aussie wrote:
why are you talking about this crap, this is not a gay site what you people get up to keep to yourself
talk about sparks and music, not this crap

Couldn't agree with you more!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins...

Live your lives and stop praying to thin air. ;-)
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aussie and Ron = Genius, I couldn’t agree more.
I don’t mean about the original posting, which is great (all power to you, PlanetRick), but the unbelievably poisonous thing it mutated into, via Mark II, was just terrible. I don’t know how he got away with it at the time, but it’s still there to be read by all, so I couldn’t not respond to it. Well, I could have, technically, I accept that, but in every other way I couldn’t.
I don’t think it would have occurred to me to bring the subject up ordinarily, if it hadn’t existed in this thread, though. Usually I wouldn’t dream of hitting someone over the head with challenge after challenge while levelling lists of accusations at, if not an actual person then, at least a set of powerfully-charged ideas. But when it’s something like this, then I will.
I was just thinking how strange it is that no one has written anything in reply to this, apart from you chaps.
This thing about giving offence is tricky, especially where “freedom of speech” issues are concerned, but by all reasonable definitions, Mark II crossed all of the lines. And it doesn’t matter how far back the posts date to, if the stuff is there to be read then it’s there to be challenged.

Re: Deciding whether certain subjects don’t belong on these boards:

Obviously, the moderators are the ones who decide all that in all the most important ways, but it’s still possible for us to talk about what we think is right or wrong. Mostly, I think it comes down to issues of conduct rather than viewpoint. But there are still subjects that politeness can’t mitigate, such as the deliberate practice of murder which, fortunately, so far hasn’t come up. But how about cannibalism? That’s mentioned in This Town...
I’m sure most people found Mark II’s posts in this thread to be offensive, but I also imagine there must be people who read my diatribe and thought I was somehow offending them personally, although I think it’s obvious that I wasn’t. I know how confrontational it was; I was matching his intensity and going way overboard, for sure, but I was also playing devil’s advocate a little, here and there, and there are some very sound counter-arguments to most of what I said, so some really lively debating could have ensued instead of a thunderstruck silence. I wouldn’t even have minded batting for the other side.
(At the risk of annoying you further, I think it’s relevant that I should confess where I’m actually coming from where all this is concerned so, for the record: I’m not an atheist, but I’ve never come across a religion which hasn’t seemed like just us being us. Some come a lot closer to convincing than others, though. One of them (Jainism) even overshoots!)
Basically, as long as it’s interesting, why not?
If you need a Sparks incentive, how about, In the end, then is when, you will pray, but you won’t be answered, and then you’ll go, end of show, and that’s how to get your ass kicked? Is Ron an atheist, or is he just being ironic? He’ll never tell, but what do you think?
How far can we wander where subject matter is concerned, though, assuming that polite behaviour is maintained?
Do you feel that you have insufficient control over avoiding exposure to certain threads?
(Yes, I was being flippant there, but I mean everything else I say.)
As Sparks fans a lot of us tend to like “interesting”, “challenging”, “controversial” even, so we do have a broad communal experience to accommodate. But not “vicious invective”, I assume none of us like that.
What might we never learn about each other if we shy away from some of the really important stuff?

Or, else:

Perhaps the moderators could remove all the replies to this thread which aren’t part of the civilised, best-wishes replies to the original post, including for deletion, of course, my own responses to it.
(And this, too, of course.)
David Alston.

Last edited by Dal on Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark 11 is funny though.

Obviously a man with a lot of time on his hands who may perhaps be questioning his own sexuality.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stephen wrote:
Mark 11 is funny though.

Obviously a man with a lot of time on his hands who may perhaps be questioning his own sexuality.

Well, I'm sure we've all been there. I've only just realised, there's a voting thing at the start of the thread, so I'm off to do that.
David Alston.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wish the op and his partner well, what he gets up to in privacy is nothing to do with me. As long as I don`t have to watch......anyone! I think the religious chap Mark is perfectly entitled to his views, also I think the Christian Churches should be able to decide whether or not to perform the marriage ceremony without getting it in the neck. There are an awful lot of people who are intolerant of anyone having a religious viewpoint. People should decide for themselves but that doesn`t mean we all have to think the same. End of heavy message.
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PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 11:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Relevance schmelevance... I'm going to fire up Plagiarism now and listen to the excellent work of all the participating gay artists if nobody minds.
"But the pressure is on, and I can't make up nothing special"
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