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We've got a hit single!
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We've got a hit single!?
A wiff of Perfume is enough to make anyone go SPARK-ravingmad, it'll spend a lifetime in the charts, and that is no old spice.
 4%  [ 2 ]
As I Sit To Play The Organ At The Notre Dame Cathedral, is a godly choice, if folks don't get this one they'll never will like anything else by Sparks. Can i play with your organ?
 11%  [ 5 ]
Dick Around, is a firm favourite and no idle hands at work here, if it don't grap you, it'll grap you!! it's so sympatico and i love how it scratches me. Please baby, take me back to the days of This Town.
 11%  [ 5 ]
Rock, Rock, Rock will get everybody rocking, no motherless child will leave home without it and i really feel i have to say this, it won't get the audience into trouble. Look mom, no soft passages!
 7%  [ 3 ]
(Baby, Baby) Can I Invade Your Country. That's no idle chat-up talk, i will take it out to proof you wrong. See, this is a red hot tip. Reenforcements stand down.
 9%  [ 4 ]
Waterproof, honest guys this will will get every single one dripping wet. So if i was you i'll have my umbrella with me for a bit of protection
 26%  [ 11 ]
The Very Next Fight, a seriouse contender put 'em up if you have 'em. It's a bleeding showstopper, with controled displays of emotion.
 2%  [ 1 ]
No Such Thing As Aliens, it's the number one requested at Radio Area 51. So close to Mexico incase i need to waltz to a quicky divorce.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Here Kitty, listen to it once and the cat's get/got your thong. I purrsonally vouch that it's a firemen favourite.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Metaphor will rock their boat and she will slip into the charts more comfortabely, o darn no mixing them.
 26%  [ 11 ]
Total Votes : 42

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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: We've got a hit single! Reply with quote

With all these displays of effection towards other songs of HYL you might think that Perfume was the last track they should have released as a single. Or at least that we don't seem to think it will go very far anywhere soon. So is that true... and so say all of us? I say let's put it to a vote.

I ran out of options: i wanted to add 2 or 3 more

11) Any of the HYL tracks can make it as a single.
12) I can't believe you think we got a chance, i don't even like them (that much)
13) Don't ask me, just don't. Polls and charts are all the same to me, i don't like 'em, and don't like those that do.

Please explain why you think you choice will do better in the charts, radio, tv, internet, recordstore, club, supermarket, bingohall.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My vote goes to METAPHOR not because its the most interesting TK on
the Album but IMO it is a Song that you like On a 1st Listen and you dont
really get tired of.. Its a good crossover TK that any radio station could
play at anytime on any Show ... Its a Winner given the "LUCK" and Promotion ..
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My vote went to Rock, Rock Rock....
The Live version is a massive hit! Ron, the guitar player to die for.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Baby baby - anti war crowd
Waterproof - all those who enjoyed mr Hawkins attempts at falsetto would like it BUT to radio friendly it the sax bit would have to go....they may feel why should we have to radio friendly anything- sod em it's staying in.
Metaphor - love it but I also liked perfume...
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hannu a peltoniemi
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:57 am    Post subject: hit singles Reply with quote

[quote="E-Clect-Eddy"]11) Any of the HYL tracks can make it as a single.
Thatīs my opinion too.

Perfume is compelling song and itīs good to dance. No 1 choice for
a single. Other singles to choose could be Waterproof and Metaphor.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted for waterproof but feel that this song along with Metaphor have an equal chance of hitting the top 20.................and sadly i feel they have little chance.

Would love to see them both share number 1 and number 2 slots in either order mind you.

I just feel that every song off HYL is not conducive to charting. Whilst we all love what the Mael brothers have done with song structures, i am not confident that the masses will.

Still I think that this album is the best since Number one song in heaven, possibly even Propaganda. I am loving this work of genius.
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wonder girl

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I went for Metaphor purely for the reason I just can't get it out of my head at the moment....................and cruely a certain member of my family now goes round singing "who's up for the menopause" ..........cheeky little bugger I do hope that not me he's refering to ........LOL
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wonder girl wrote:
..and cruely a certain member of my family now goes round singing "who's up for the menopause" ..........cheeky little bugger I do hope that not me he's refering to ........LOL

LOL ... or maybe...
who's up for a men or four?
... you give men a pause?
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When i put this poll up i assumed that Perfume was gonna be the favourite and that most would vote it to be SPARKS best chance of (chart)succes. I did not put this up as a what's your favourite track-poll, i'm sure Alex will run that one!(?) Have SPARKS, management, marketing or whomever made the right choice with Perfume? Since none of the so far 15 voters have supported that song yet i guess there seems to be some big hesitance even if we also are divided towards the alternative although Waterproof plunged to the top.

Which song do you thing will get noticed (and remembered) most of all if an unsuspecting member of the public would hear it for the first time? Not just thinking of why you like it the most?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well i voted dick around, and if released i don't think it should be edited.. there must be some dj somewhere who'd take it up and play it. and it's not easily ignored - perfume and waterproof are commercial sounding but they don't seem to cut it enough, a bit too rounded and maybe easily forgettable in between all the sunshine pop melodies and indie guitar in the chart. dick around would hit the 'this is a bit odd' spot in the back of the head, it's familiar and somehow astoundingly different to everything else. and if it came on the radio you'd stick around until the final 30 seconds when it really gets going.. and the lyrics are much better, more than just the catchiness of waterproof and perfume, which both sound a little like they could be used in the back of adverts (i do like both tracks, i just think it was a wrong decision to release perfume first..)
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

powpowpow wrote:
...perfume and waterproof are commercial sounding but they don't seem to cut it enough, a bit too rounded and maybe easily forgettable in between all the sunshine pop melodies and indie guitar in the chart. dick around would hit the 'this is a bit odd' spot in the back of the head, it's familiar and somehow astoundingly different to everything else. and if it came on the radio you'd stick around until the final 30 seconds when it really gets going.. and the lyrics are much better, more than just the catchiness of waterproof and perfume, which both sound a little like they could be used in the back of adverts (i do like both tracks, i just think it was a wrong decision to release perfume first..)

I agree that Perfume & Waterproof are more commercial sounding, easy to like but also easy to forget. I like both tracks a lot but would not have put them out on a single (first). Dick Around is a bit bolder but i don't like that DARKNESS-feel it's got and the fact that it don't flow that well as well, plus to many cheap synthy violins. Something i dislike in more songs on HYL. I'm sure Tony (i'm allowed to call him Mr Visconti) would have used real musicians with real instruments. I like the story and the arrangements + most vocals on D.A. but i believe it could have been better still, did i already mention Tony would have been a great producer on this album! . I will keep my choice a secret a little longer in order for others to vent their opinions first.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

E-Clect-Eddy wrote:

I agree that Perfume & Waterproof are more commercial sounding, easy to like but also easy to forget. I like both tracks a lot but would not have put them out on a single (first). Dick Around is a bit bolder but i don't like that DARKNESS-feel it's got and the fact that it don't flow that well as well, plus to many cheap synthy violins. Something i dislike in more songs on HYL. I'm sure Tony (i'm allowed to call him Mr Visconti) would have used real musicians with real instruments. I like the story and the arrangements + most vocals on D.A. but i believe it could have been better still, did i already mention Tony would have been a great producer on this album! . I will keep my choice a secret a little longer in order for others to vent their opinions first.

but the thrash metal is so tongue in cheek, it's wonderful! it's too knowing.. the vocal on dick around is nicely unique, and i feel like it might have been the track to make sparks seem fresh.. perfume and waterproof don't hit hard enough, and seem a little mor occasionally in comparison..

budget's the important thing here,no? my little pet love are synthy albums which opt for samples and synths instead of real violins/flutes/whatever..but that's just me

maybe we'll eventually be treated to a live rendition of the album complete with full orchestra..
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

powpowpow wrote:
but the thrash metal is so tongue in cheek, it's wonderful! it's too knowing.. the vocal on dick around is nicely unique, and i feel like it might have been the track to make sparks seem fresh.. perfume and waterproof don't hit hard enough, and seem a little mor occasionally in comparison..

budget's the important thing here,no? my little pet love are synthy albums which opt for samples and synths instead of real violins/flutes/whatever..but that's just me

maybe we'll eventually be treated to a live rendition of the album complete with full orchestra..

I like that trashy metal as well, it helped very much i played it loud the very first time. It's got more edge and sound better than almost all of Rammsteins latest album (but i like the somewhat homophobic (man against man) ). Dick Around i'd love to see released as a single if it was considered a bit controversial!? or if i had folks spitting into two camps! Like Bohenian Rhapsody: very many liked it but may others hated it. A song that get folks talking, pro/contra, is what Sparks need!!
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So am i to believe that there are no posters that like Perfume. Or have the criticism been to harsh? Those that want to buy several copies of HYL won't do the same for Perfume? Come on folks, it's the single that's out there to please/tease the public.

Lyricly is there anything out there that compares to Perfume? Or is that it's greatest weak point as well?

As it stands Waterproof and Metaphor lead the uprise. Do you think the other posters are right about that??? Not even a single vote for Perfume?

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Power Groupie

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with the choice for perfume, from the point of view of a commercial eye. Of course, I like dick around better, that could be an excellent choice too, or waterproof or metaphor.
Most of the time, what I like is not the commercial thing ( although I like all tracks of HYL), that started when I was a child, I hated it when my favourites did not chart, I felt so sorry for the artists. Now I know that it is far more important to do art, do what you feel is the right thing to do, apart from success!
Too bad you need money...
Stop, there's gotta be a million girls like her, though
I can't think of one
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Power Groupie

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't cast my vote yet, I'm confused - though I substantially agree with Rainbow; only thing, if Perfume couldn't reach the charts, I believe none of the other tracks from #1 to #9 will do.

Maybe the average audience is anaesthetized with too much less-than-average music to perceive the difference, and so a big shock might achieve better success, so I'd rather think of As I Sit...

Ok, perhaps it's rather bold, and a bit longer than usual too, but at this point, why not? And if the mass can't stand it, well, screw the mass... but here it comes again that you need to make a living from it... Argh!
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rock Rock Rock - every time. Very hard to choose though. HYL is an absolute masterpiece.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rainbow wrote:
I agree with the choice for perfume, from the point of view of a commercial eye. Of course, I like dick around better, that could be an excellent choice too, or waterproof or metaphor.
Most of the time, what I like is not the commercial thing ( although I like all tracks of HYL), that started when I was a child, I hated it when my favourites did not chart, I felt so sorry for the artists. Now I know that it is far more important to do art, do what you feel is the right thing to do, apart from success! Too bad you need money...

So Perfume should be choosen because of it's commercial qualities? Did many think that of Gary Jules' cover of Tears for Fears - Mad World? Or even of Bohemian Rhapsody... or Metalica's Enter the Sandman? Something does not have to be commercial to be succesful. The clever way of naming lots of girls names and brandnames is fun but does not bring about a deeper connection (feelings) to it other than the line ... and that's why i wanna spend my life with you. but does not much explain or explore more on the subject. A single thought, something like When I'm With You but than from the others point of view?? I love Perfume when i hear it but i love the very next song as well. I wonder if i heard Perfume on the radio if i would still sing it when the next song comes along?

So is there only one Perfume-lover? The single that R&R have chosen to release first? I can't imagine them not being asked! So most voters say R&R are wrong on that?

No cat-lovers here either? Alienated? Frightened?
"Somebody's been putting pineapple juice in my pineapple juice!"

Last edited by E-Clect-Eddy on Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Power Groupie

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perfume stops looking commercial when you dig a bit deeper into the lyrics (and you pay care to the brief intermission that interrupts the perfumes' enlisting), but at first it's just easy to catch up because of a peculiar mesmerizing pace, which doesn't fail to attract attention. So I don't think it was a bad choice as a first single.

But, be it that it takes a lot wider tv coverage to reach deaf ears, or be it that Perfume's qualities - so evident to us - are too subtle to be generally appreciated, you need something more shocking to shake people and focus their attention. I believe As I Sit... should have made the trick.

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Alex Robertson
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just out of widely played was Perfume in Italy...was HYL also pushed much as it was in say the UK?
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