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The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman
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The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman is...
The Best album ever!
 5%  [ 2 ]
The Best Sparks album ever!
 2%  [ 1 ]
Among the best of Sparks
 61%  [ 24 ]
missing something/could be better
 7%  [ 3 ]
not on my 'must have'-list
 7%  [ 3 ]
not as good as the movie/book
 0%  [ 0 ]
a big mistake
 5%  [ 2 ]
I can't believe that you would fall for all the crap in this album
 2%  [ 1 ]
something i haven't heard yet
 2%  [ 1 ]
not getting me hot or cold
 5%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 39

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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:27 am    Post subject: The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman Reply with quote

What do we think of the new offering?
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Pim Derks
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's great and I prefer it to most of their late 70's/early 80's work - but ofcourse it can't beat classics like Kimono, Heaven and Beethoven IMO.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am missing a "a very good sparks album" -option

its a great one though not among their best. guess there are some disadvantages in having such a high standart :P
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting and worthwhile poll though I think last year's 21x21 extravaganza was Sparks presenting a quality of opportunity to "compare and contrast" every one of their works, that no other band could dare to do (or at least not with that enormity of legacy). There's no doubt that the Ingmar Bergman project was fashioned outwith the limits of a normal album and a normal band. It was like Sparks were saying okay guys, that's what you know us for... and here's how we've done it in all its bare form ... now bear with us as we may go adventuring to something completely different.

Excellent of quality of music anyway!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just heard it once but I was very bored by it.
Too much talking, stopping and starting and very few proper songs.
I liked a couple but all in all it sounded like a collection of underproduced demos.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TommyGun wrote:
I am missing a "a very good sparks album" -option

its a great one though not among their best. guess there are some disadvantages in having such a high standart :P

Sorry, i've used all 10 options.

Would "a very good sparks album" not come into the something missing/could be better option?
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stephen wrote:
Just heard it once but I was very bored by it.
Too much talking, stopping and starting and very few proper songs.
I liked a couple but all in all it sounded like a collection of underproduced demos.

At first i struggle with excepting this as a SPARKS album which can be debated as Russell is not doing all the singing/narating. Also there is no real album structure and songs are very short and some is not music but story, ofcourse that was the objective so it has to be there.

But it's too much SPARKS and so i can't accept this as not a SPARKS album, as simple as that. And cos i love this cos there is so much to love. It sounds like SPARKS once more has become more than the brothers and that is a good thing imho. Yes it lacks propper songs but hey that's why they invented the extended remix in the eighties
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Alex Robertson
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stephen wrote:
Just heard it once but I was very bored by it.
Too much talking, stopping and starting and very few proper songs.
I liked a couple but all in all it sounded like a collection of underproduced demos.

LOL..that reminds me of a bloke I used to work with...he'd been to see a film and said "Too much plot and not enough action!" essentially remember you aren't listening to an album per are listening to a play!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alex Robertson wrote: essentially remember you aren't listening to an album per are listening to a play!

Well, that's the thing. I would prefer to listen to an album over a play. Though, I do like that they are trying to think outside of the box and find a challenge.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only Heard it once through a dodgy stream connection so will wait till I get my CD later this Week before Voting.. yeah really you got listen to this with a Different mindset.. Its a Story Play Concept Musical.. Not a Normal Album..

Also I think when its been performed Live, that will be time to judge it Properly.. remember how a Song Like Babys Taking me Home is Transformed on Stage. I think it was mentioned that this could be a two year project.. The Cd is just for starters..
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

E-Clect-Eddy wrote:

Sorry, i've used all 10 options.

Would "a very good sparks album" not come into the something missing/could be better option?

i know the number of answers are limited here

well i cant say that something is missing, and it is very great i dont think they could done better(especially not in 8 months!)

but as i say for my personal sense it doesnt reach my "Sparks-Top 5"

again, its hard to judge since we dont really have a normal album here
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it's a wonderful piece.
The more I listen to it, the more I realise how strong the music in it is. I enjoy the fact that I'm not skipping to hear certain songs. I'm listening to the whole piece from start to finish. And when you do it that way, it's splendid.

I'm sure I'll like it even more when I hear the English version. Stuff like 'Oh My God' sounds marvellous melodically, but when I hear the English voice I'll really warm to it 100%.

Considering it is a story and a musical it's a tad naff, in my opinion, to hold the view that you should just select certain tunes to listen to and complain that some of them are too short and not complete songs. It's like wanting to read a book or watch a film, and only selecting random chapters to listen to and choose certain scenes to watch. It's silly!

It's designed to be listened from start to finish. Like most albums really...
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TommyGun wrote:

well i cant say that something is missing, and it is very great i dont think they could done better(especially not in 8 months!)

but as i say for my personal sense it doesnt reach my "Sparks-Top 5"

again, its hard to judge since we dont really have a normal album here

I think i am gone say it's just in or just out of my TOP-5. I like it more than the last three albums.

I wonder howmuch R&R could NOT finish in 8 months and how many potetial gems might be waiting for us just around the bend? Maybe if they make a sort of musical of it to perform at RFH it could grow even more beautiful.

It's no normal album for sure but than there are quite big differences between some older albums too, for instance: No.1 after Introducing or Big Beat after Indiscreet, or KMH after Tweeters.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Physicality wrote:
It's designed to be listened from start to finish. Like most albums really...

Mine is! When i burned it to cd-rom it lists as one single track, i can't even skip if i wanted to.

A very good and well balanced album should make people wanna listen to is from start to finish. It's a trip with no stops or dull parts.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Among the best. I plan on investing in the double-LP release when it comes out (perhaps mostly as a keepsake).
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Sparky Rickmaniac
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it is among their best but not THE best, KMH and HYL vie for 1st place IMHO.

However I think it follows on musically from the last 3 albums, not necessarily in style, but in scope/daring.
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Sparks Guru

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I comepare it more to Halfnelson & Indiscreet if any those i find to be more close in variation & storyline.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

E-Clect-Eddy wrote:

it doesnt reach my "Sparks-Top 5"

again, its hard to judge since we dont really have a normal album here

Absolutely!! After 21x21, I found it a near impossible exercise to name a top five (or even a top ten). It seemed so unrepresentative as they have done a greater number of outstanding albums.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sparky Rickmaniac wrote:
I think it is among their best but not THE best, KMH and HYL vie for 1st place IMHO.

However I think it follows on musically from the last 3 albums, not necessarily in style, but in scope/daring.

Couldn't agree more!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

deadcalm wrote:

Also I think when its been performed Live, that will be time to judge it Properly.. remember how a Song Like Babys Taking me Home is Transformed on Stage. I think it was mentioned that this could be a two year project.. The Cd is just for starters..

Very true. It took me an eternity to understand Lil Beethoven though its quality was all too apparent. It was really the stunning stage show which really made me realise that the concept of the "concept album" really worked artistically and with such perfect poignancy. Sparks have always admitted to being such a visual band too. Although their route over the years has veered off in (often startlingly) different branches, it can still be concluded that their working on different levels has remained constant and continuing to progressively use different media is the natural way forward to realise the band's vision.
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